Process: Module 11

Presentation: This week I adjusted the PDF presentation to showcase different information than the summary video in order to expand upon the ideas briefly discussed in the video. I also deleted some slides that were redundant since I plan on using external links to take us to the deliverables. I wrote a brief section on future plans but still need to perform research on making these ideas more specific.

Summary Video: I adjusted a section in the video according to feedback by adding a clip of the website walkthrough. I also lowered the volume of the music so as to not overpower the voiceover.

Thesis Process Book: I changed the order of a few pages according to feedback as well as adjusted some mockups to showcase my ideas better. Specifically, I changed the installation mockup to showcase someone interacting with it, and I also added a person in the poster series mockup to show scale.

Intan Zakri-Raja

Designer. Gamer. Cat whisperer.

Process: Module 12


Process: Module 10