Process: Module 14


I compiled my work from my portfolio class and included images of my projects, screenshots of my portfolio website, and photos of my physical business system.


This week I finalized my thesis process book by fixing small details such as rags, widows, and orphans. I double-checked that all of my deliverables were consistent and fixed minor details in my animations, which meant I had to update the thumbnails as well.


I addressed some concerns from the critique by labeling the images of the games at the beginning, and I also redid the data chart in the style of the thesis.

This is unchanged since I received positive feedback.

Overall, my thesis journey was a long, arduous process, but the effort was well worth it. I feel I have contributed significantly to the field of graphic design by researching and developing a project I am passionate about. I can see myself working on my thesis even after graduation by developing more volumes of the magazine, networking with women in the gaming industry, and updating my progress on my blog. Thanks for a fulfilling journey.

Intan Zakri-Raja

Designer. Gamer. Cat whisperer.

Process: Module 13