Process: Module 7

This week I finalized my visual system. I addressed the type specs and made them more detailed according to feedback. Then I rewrote the user testing report to showcase how successful the user testing session was, showing proof of concept. 

I refined the storyboard for my thesis summary video based on instructor feedback. I heavily adjusted the idea. Now the video will showcase 6 videos or "levels" to select. The mouse cursor will click on a video, which will then fill the screen, showing footage that relates to the script. The cursor will click through all the levels until the video ends.

I worked out the narrative for the final PDF presentation. I made sure to address the requirements (background/problem, objective, audience, deliverables I made and why, user testing, and future plans).

Throughout my thesis journey, I created a series of materials that visually work together. The visual system played a vital role in helping me complete the work because it served as the basis for all the deliverables. The system is like a rulebook that must be followed to maintain the consistency of the brand. Refining the system and deliverables was a long, arduous process that included lots of research and refinement, but the effort was well worth it. I'm glad I picked a topic I am passionate about because I see myself working on my thesis even after graduation.

My thesis project has allowed me to become a better designer because it taught me the importance of research, the visual system, and catering to the target audience. In the future, I hope to work for a video game or entertainment company, and I believe my thesis will help me achieve that goal.

Intan Zakri-Raja

Designer. Gamer. Cat whisperer.

Process: Module 8


Process: Module 6