Social Media Content

Debrief us on what happened in user testing, including how it might affect your project, and what you plan to do about it.

The main concerns dealt with the readability of the glitchy titles. I have to find the balance between readability and glitch elements.

Examine your materials matrix, timeline, and strategies, and then tell us how you plan to adjust your strategies, designs, or deliverables.

I believe I am mostly on track with the materials. Most of the deliverables are finished and need minor adjustments. The rough cut of the motion graphic needed major changes as it focused too heavily on the website walkthrough. I adjusted it to address the issue and the solution the thesis is about.

What have you learned from your user testing experience? What went wrong? Is there anything you would do differently next time?

There were some technical difficulties when it came to sending files that were too big. I had to compress some content, which lowered the quality of things like photos. In the future, I would like to find a way to share these files in their truest form.

How might you use your thesis project to tell stories, run experiments, facilitate interactions, entertain people, cajole responses, and link media?

I would use my thesis project to tell people that there is a way to change the outlook of the gaming industry. However, we have to believe in this change and look within ourselves to inspire each other.

Describe the most useful and interesting things you have learned this module.

I looked up some data for the motion graphic and found many sources that displayed the same statistics. This lets me know that the data is accurate.

Intan Zakri-Raja

Designer. Gamer. Cat whisperer.

Deciding What User Testing Feedback to Implement


Designer as Entrepreneur