Wrapping Things Up

Describe the process of wrapping everything up.

I built out the rest of the web pages, focusing on the screens that concerned making and attending a meeting with a tutor. I also replaced as much placeholder text as I could.

Describe the new/interesting things you learned in this class.

This class helped me refine my visual system. It also taught me the importance of wireframes and user testing. I learned a lot of valuable information from the feedback I received. I also learned a few basics about game development myself as I read through content that I could include in quizzes within the deliverable.

Describe your plans for the break and for the next class.

I plan to perform some more user testing and well as finish up the body copy. Over the break, I will continue to refine the deliverable and show it to research participants for feedback. I will also plan on what to work on for the next semester. Currently, I am thinking of working on the digital news magazine deliverable next.

Intan Zakri-Raja

Designer. Gamer. Cat whisperer.


User testing research methods


Visual Design