User testing research methods

I plan on testing my digital news magazine deliverable.

Research Method 1

Evaluative Research: User testing is an important part of design because fresh eyes will often spot issues that you may not catch on your own. User testing will also let you know if the design flows as a whole. When it comes to a news magazine, you want the user to feel comfortable, engaged, and want to read more.

Research Method 2

Focus Groups: Focus groups are useful in gathering information via discussion and debate. Focus groups have been highly beneficial to me in the past, and I believe that performing one again will be useful. In my experience, members enjoy the aspect of having a support group and resources. The learning academy that I created implements both of these through chatting and reaching out to experts. My other deliverables will be sure to implement these concepts, perhaps through social media and providing links, and focus groups will let me know if the result is successful.

Research Method 3

Interviews: Interviews are a useful method for gathering research that you may not find otherwise. Interviewees have personal experiences that may inspire you to improve your design. Furthermore, a person may feel more comfortable chatting one-on-one versus in a social setting. They may reveal more about themselves. When I interviewed someone who was interested in becoming a gaming developer, I found that she was held back due to fear of being judged by her male peers. My goal is to help audience members like her by giving them the resources she needs to succeed. I believe magazine articles can be inspiring when the reader can relate to the subject of the story.

Intan Zakri-Raja

Designer. Gamer. Cat whisperer.

News magazine Deliverable


Wrapping Things Up