Reporting User Testing Results

Animated slides (Vimeo)

Describe your design process in this module with the second deliverable.

I am continuing to add content to build a robust view of the convention. I would say that the base of the deliverable is done but needs adjustments. For the remainder of the semester, I would like to focus on the motion graphic, which will be a walkthrough of the learning academy.

Give us an update on the progress of your user testing.

I had a third individual go through the learning academy and give me her feedback. Her main concerns revolved around the tutor scheduling process. I have compiled the data and inserted it into the process book.

Describe putting together a user testing report (if you made one this module).

For my user testing report, I took note of what tasks the user was able (or unable) to accomplish. I made sure to include any concerns the user had. I highlighted some notable quotes that I feel summarised the individual user testing session.

Describe the most useful and interesting things you have learned this module.

I am learning about ways to create an effective motion graphic, which starts with a storyboard. While a storyboard can look rough, it provides the foundation for the animation and gives the designer an idea of content and composition.

Intan Zakri-Raja

Designer. Gamer. Cat whisperer.

Designer as Entrepreneur


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