Sharing Your Work

Describe your design process with the second deliverable.

I redesigned the installations to be more visually engaging. I added more screens for the tablet. I also redesigned the website to be more in line with the visual system.

Give us an update on your user testing.

I currently have data on two users. Their feedback was useful, and I plan on applying their suggestions in the next round. I also plan on acquiring at least one more user.

How do you currently promote yourself as a designer?

I have a website and business cards that I hand out when I get the opportunity.

How are you sharing your thesis with the world?

The process is uploaded to the blog on my thesis website. I update every week. I also have Twitter and Instagram handles for the thesis, though these need to be updated according to changes in the visual system.

How do you think you can draw more social media traffic and attention to your work?

I can draw more traffic using hashtags, as well as uploading to sites like Reddit where you can search by community (or subreddit, as they call it), and then post for the whole community to see.

Describe the most useful and interesting things you have learned this module.

When building the website, I had to learn a bit about gaming development so that I could add the information to the learning modules.

Intan Zakri-Raja

Designer. Gamer. Cat whisperer.

Reporting User Testing Results


Cohesive visual systems