Cohesive visual systems

What final adjustments are you making to the materials you have created already and why?

I adjusted the news magazine so that the photos more closely align with the content of the articles. I uploaded the magazine to so it can be viewed digitally, which is the preferred method for people who are into games.

For the convention, I applied the feedback to the signage materials. I also created the public installation screens.

How is your user testing progress so far?

When users looked over my digital magazine, they found some inconsistencies with the type system. I have corrected these.

I had users look over my website and there were some concerns with the cart, payment, and confirmation pages. I adjusted the wording of the titles to reflect what is happening on each page.

Does the idea of affordances resonate with you? How might you apply it to your materials?

The idea of affordances is a new term to me, so I am still learning the meaning of its application. However, from my understanding, it relates to how users can interact with each material. I may apply it to my materials in the sense that there will mostly be digital applications as that is what users resonate with.

How are the materials you are using impacting how you are designing (or not)?

I originally had plans to physically print the magazine. However, a digital application is better for the reasons mentioned. Additionally, news is constantly occurring, and the only way to keep up is through digital media.

What are the most useful and interesting things you have learned this module?

I will continue to delve into the meaning of the idea of affordances and see if this can be applied to my other materials.

Intan Zakri-Raja

Designer. Gamer. Cat whisperer.

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