News magazine Deliverable

Describe what you did for Deliverable 1 for this module.

I created the rough layout of the first few spreads of the news magazine. I attempted to push my design farther by using bolder applications of the graphics, such as bigger brushstrokes and glitchier graphics.

Describe the changes you made to the visual design for your product and why.

I created a rough computer draft of a new logo proposal. I wanted the logo to tie more to video games and less to music. This will be further refined.

Describe how you might add visual interest to the deliverables.

I will continue to add visual interest to the deliverables by pushing the graphics further. I would like to incorporate handwriting to tie to the creative aspect of the brand. I am also looking into how to make my text look glitchy without being too messy.

Describe anything new or interesting you learned in this process.

I am learning that there are lots of different tutorials for creating glitchy graphics, but none so far are giving the look I desire. I am still currently researching other tutorials.

Intan Zakri-Raja

Designer. Gamer. Cat whisperer.

Type & color Explorations


User testing research methods