The process

How have you decided to break down the information in your thesis process book?

I will break down the information in my thesis process book by using chapter separators that coincide with major milestones in the project.

What have you learned from documenting your visual system as a set of guidelines?

I have learned to save, save, save everything, even if I think it might not be worthwhile later. This can apply to images, copywriting, sketches, etc. I had to go back and reference some sketches from previous semesters to get ideas on how to improve my logo.

What did you learn during this process that was new or interesting?

I did a lot of research on women in the gaming industry and learned that there is a huge community that focuses on funding women’s dreams. They are very proactive in helping women get a head start in their careers, even male-dominated ones such as the gaming industry.

Intan Zakri-Raja

Designer. Gamer. Cat whisperer.

Visual System


Type & color Explorations